The City of Malmö wins the Digital Workplace of the Year Award 2020

The staff at Omnia want to congratulate our customer The City of Malmö for winning the 2020 Digital Workplace of the Year Awards for User Engagement. A well-deserved acknowledgment of a dedicated team behind an amazing solution bringing value to a diverse workforce.

The award is handed out on a yearly basis by the Digital Workplace Group and Simpler Media Group, publisher of CMSWire, and among previous winners, we find American Express, Liberty Mutual Insurance, and BNY Mellon.

An intranet that brings value to end-users

The City of Malmö is a Swedish municipality working very actively to take advantage of the possibilities of digitalization. During 2017-2022 the organization is driving a structured program to improve the digital workplace with the purpose of supplying improved services to citizens and strengthening democracy and inclusion.

One of the initiatives within the program has been to design, develop, and implement a new intranet focused on bringing value to end-users and fulfilling organizational objectives. In 2018 The City of Malmö decided that the solution should be based on Microsoft 365 and Omnia. At the beginning of 2019, the work to establish a new intranet started with the Omnia team as the implementation partner.

A year later the new intranet was launched and the response from the user community has been very positive. Now, The City of Malmö has been acknowledged for its work to understand the end-users and to work actively with user involvement, testing, and adoption.

An impressive approach to user engagement

The Digital Workplace Group (DWG) is an organization that provides vendor-neutral, unbiased advice and practical support to organizations on the journey towards a better digital workplace. On a yearly basis, the organization appoints the Digital Workplace of the Year with one overall winner and several category awards.

DWG has issued the following statement on this year’s winner of the Digital Workplace of the Year Award for User Engagement:

“The City of Malmö has a clear focus on employees and citizens, that drives the Digital Workplace at the City of Malmö, and their approach to user engagement was among one of the more impressive that the panel has seen. The approach included:

  • An impact map to understand behaviors
  • Broad participation, testing throughout the implementation
  • A voluntary adoption community called a Digital Café.”

Please find the list of nominees for the Digital Workplace Awards using this link.

A well-deserved award

Robert Lindgren, Project Manager at Omnia, believes that the award is well-deserved:

– We want to congratulate The City of Malmö for the Award and I think that they have earned it. They have had a professional and driven project team of people committed to taking on the challenges of vastly different roles within the workforce.

– We have never seen a customer doing such thorough work when it comes to securing a great user experience. This goes especially for the work with structuring content and navigation to create a solution that is easy to learn, understand, and work with. They have been able to decide on a common global navigation with a hierarchical structure in three levels, and I think that alone is quite extraordinary.

Anders Fagerlund, Product Offering Lead for Omnia, comments on the award:

– We invest in ensuring that Omnia delivers an intuitive, personalized, and task-oriented experience for end-users, but in this case, the award has been won by the fantastic work that The City of Malmö as carried out to win user buy-in and created a solution that truly is user-centric. We are very proud to have been involved in a solution that has been showcased at a number of digital workplace events.

Learn more about the City of Malmö's digital workplace here.